posted by bkervo/b on 5/4/2008 6:34:58 pm est i admit the guy is no brad delp but the story is fantastic. rock and roll fantasy come true. but what's really funny is that boston is now a boston cover band.
Having distinguished himself in the Churhat Children's Welfare Society lootery/bKerva/b dam palace scandal and having escaped any punishment for his culpability in the Bhopal gas tragedy, he is hoping for the prime ministership,which has b.../b
Piipahdin eilen tapaamassa paria mukavaa ystävää tuopposen ääressä eräässä kalliolaisessa anniskelupaikassa, jossa soi musiikki aina hieman liian lujaa dj:n ollessa paikalla. Välillä myös dj:n puuttuessa. ...